Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Life Gets in the Way

So what happens when a person creates a blog and doesn't add anything to it for two years? Life, that's what happens! No one, not even me does something like that on purpose. Sometimes I thought about it but just couldn't bring myself to comment or relay in print all the things that were happening in my life. Maybe it was avoidance; don't write about, don't acknowledge it. Whatever, I have finally reached a point where writing about life, as it happens, might be a healthy thing to do.

Take last night for example. Beautiful evening, walking to the ballpark in our town to watch my daughter play softball seemed like a great thing to be doing. I remember making a mental note to myself how I had gotten so much better at handling the ups and downs; my mothers dementia, career challenges, husbands retirement, menopause, a teenager in the house just to name a few. As I near the park I see that people were running toward me and they didn't look too happy either! Before I even arrived I learned that my daughter had been hit in the eye with a ball, she had a bad cut above her right eye and my husband, her coach, had her in the truck and was frantically looking for me so we could rush her to the emergency room. A friend quickly whisked me into a car and ran me home where we intersected them, grabbed my purse and drove way over the speed limit to the nearest emergency room about 15 miles away.

Children never get too old to need Mom's hand as they are getting shot with painkillers and stitches! An hour and a half later we returned home at a much slower pace, exchanged her bloody jacket for a cleaner one and she insisted in going back to the ballpark to show her support to her team. Whew! So much for my quiet stroll to the park.

Today we are sore, bruised, stitched up and on the mend. Well at least the child is; I feel more like a mother lion prowling around protecting her young and lashing out at perceived threats! Better go check on my cub.