Thursday, July 23, 2009

How Full is Your Well?

No, not a well that holds water, I'm referring to your 'Creative Well". While I believe all of us can be creative in our own chosen fields of interest and daily life, that doesn’t mean we are always our creative best. Let’s face it, some days I have great ideas and just can’t get them down on paper fast enough and other days I need a cup of coffee or a diet Coke before the cobwebs clear enough for me to focus. Other days I am productive in many ways and can accomplish a lot but am not very creative. I have come to accept this ebb and flow and learned that there are things I can do to replenish my creativity and bring myself back. These are simple, fun, sometimes off the wall ideas that can rejuvenate you, add spark to your day and help you be your best. What works doesn’t have to be hard, it just has to work.

My top five:
1. Going for a drive: I know gas isn’t cheap and this may not be feasible for you, but because I travel to do what I do, it works for me. If I have a problem to solve or an idea that has been incubating in my brain, I can count on several hours of alone time in my car, watching the countryside go by, to come up with my best ideas. The hardest part is remembering them when I get out of the car. I’ve tried a small voice recorder in my car, calling myself and leaving a voice mail message, writing clues for myself on scraps of paper while I’m driving and pulling over at an exit to get those thoughts on paper before they are lost. If you have a better way of capturing creative thoughts while driving, I’m open for suggestions!

2. Quiet, alone time: Those close to me have heard me say this over and over till they are probably tired of hearing it. I need a certain amount of quiet time alone to feel balanced and creative. That was easy to accomplish when I was younger and single. However as a wife, mother, daughter of an aging parent, speaker and artist, it has become harder to come by. I have learned to steal snatches of quiet here and there and keep reminding myself that someday it will be quieter and I probably won’t like it!

3. Piddling: Piddling occurs when you have no huge goals, particular purpose or timelines looming and you allow yourself to do a little bit of this and a little bit of that. It can be done in your own home, it can be done while you’re shopping, or it can be done at work if you can get away with it. Piddling can be very productive and almost yoga like for me. I seem to get a certain far off look in my eye when I am pondering and piddling that scares my husband because he knows when I’m really thinking, something is about to change!

4. Exercise: Not complicated; running, walking, aerobic classes, dancing, swimming, walking your dog, whatever you like and will do on a regular basis works. It helps you physically and revives you mentally. Shake it up and change your routine to keep it fresh and keep yourself interested. I get inspired differently when I do different activities.

5. Quotes & Inspiring Articles: I love to meander through motivational books of quotes or short essays that reinforce my priorities. I am a firm believer of keeping several resources around that I can easily grab for motivation and inspiration. Some I recommend are:
-The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
-The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
-The Change-Your-Life Quote Book by Allen Klein

More Ways to Refill Your Well:
-Take a shower-great for creative thinking and attitude lifting.
-Take time to doodle
-Take your watch off and lose track of time
-Use crayons, color pencils or colored markers for your to do lists, rough drafts, etc. to shake it up.
-Observe and play with pets or other animals
-Hang around young children-play with them, listen to them, do an activity with them. They are always original.
-Browse a bookstore or library
-Cooking-A creative outlet in itself, can be very freeing and allows for experimentation.
-Listen to music of your choice.