Thursday, June 05, 2008

Porch Swing Wisdom

We just finished having our house painted. As a result, many of the creative, decorative things I usually do the the porch, deck, and other outside areas were delayed. I've lived for weeks with plants in pots and planters setting anywhere that's out of the way and normally comfortable spaces to sit and contemplate the world aren't even inhabitable yet. This was, of course, very hard for the control freak side of my personality. Hurry up and wait is not something I do well; and usually relaxing isn't either.

As we finally got the front porch in order so it could be enjoyed, my husband asked why I never like to sit in the porch swing? He and my daughter love it but I always decline. My reason; I am so short that I can't comfortably sit in the porch swing and reach the floor to keep it going. It makes me feel like Goldilocks sitting in Papa Bear's chair. From that discussion something monumental happened. We went to the local hardware store, bought more chain, and within half an hour the swing was lowered to an acceptable site for all. How long have I been living with the too high swing, 14 years!

My daughter and I set in the swing a couple of nights ago and relived our days, laughed, almost fell out and generally had a great mother/daughter time. I envision myself swinging along with a good book or just swinging and doing nothing any day now. I might even relax!

The moral is, look around your environment, your relationships, and your life. Often the smallest, easiest to do tweaking or change can make a huge positive impact. And a small change has a way of leading to more small changes and eventually big changes. Don't wait 14 years, do it now. Swing in your swing today.

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