Monday, July 21, 2008

3 Weeks, 2 Weddings

This has become the summer of weddings! Who knew that anyone that was even close to getting married in our family would choose the month of July to do it in? The first one took place July 5th on the beautiful Outer banks of North Carolina at Kill Devil Hills. We luckily were able to go several days beforehand to enjoy the ocean, the weather, and the family who had gathered there. It was a rare time because all of the cousins were together, making new connections, plotting against the grownups, and generally having a good time. Everything with the wedding went off without a hitch and the bride, who you think would be the nervous one, was totally relaxed and in control. I especially liked it because I was responsible for nothing, which rarely happens in my life anymore. I was able to enjoy every bit of it which included lots of time to visit and catch up with my sister-in-law Sherry who happened to be the mother of the groom.

The second wedding occurs this weekend and involves more hands on experience. My husband's son is getting married in good ole 'hot in July', Missouri. The wedding, which was going to be outside has been moved inside, because the weather forecast is showing little relief for sweltering guests. Our daughter will be a bridesmaid for the first time and is a bit nervous about the walking in a long dress part, but whatever happens will make for terrific memories. Maybe she should start practicing soon? We actually have some responsibilities in this wedding production so the week will be busy and full of preparations, relatives flying in from other states, and I'm sure, a last minute crisis or two.

So we will end the month with two new additions to our family tree, both named Sarah, and both brave young women. I'd love to hear your wedding experiences and suggestions for keeping calm as the day approaches.

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